
miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Finding Freedom

I’m reading Finding Freedom, by Jarvis Masters, who has been on death row in San Quentin for more than 16 years awaiting execution for a crime he didn’t commit. One of the stories from his memoir is called Scars. He’s out on the maximum custody exercise yard with other inmates, shirts off playing handball, basketball, lifting weights, and for the first time really notices the whip-like scars on everyone’s back, the back of their legs, ribs, and face. America’s lost children he calls them, with family histories so similar it’s as if they’d had the same parents. But despite his own maltreatment Jarvis still loves the mother who’d abandoned him as a child and wishes he’d been at her side when she died… A lesson in mettaa Buddhist term for loving kindness  Read more about Jarvis: